There is something mysterious about abandoned buildings especially this abandoned train depot. I can't help but wonder who occupied the space and what stories the walls would tell us if they could talk. My mother seemed to see something special in old buildings because I would find pictures of them from now and then. So it's no wonder that I am attracted to them also.
While visiting my niece in North Carolina she took me to see an old abandoned train depot. We sat in her car and just looked at it. Many old buildings in America are tired and dilapidated but under all that dust, and worn appearance are beautiful architectural details!
Can you just hear the sound of the train whistling from afar as it approaches this station? People standing here waiting patiently for love ones or antsy to board to travel. This platform was designed to hold lots of weight. Each board was carefully placed in rows over cross beams to be the stepping block to the box car.
I love these steps just next door to the passenger waiting area. It appears this depot was before air condition due to the beautiful screen door that has long lost its screen material.
Another detail that makes the passenger waiting area more distinguished from the loading dock is this beautifully detailed door knob. Imagine it was a bright polished brass or bronze and look at those engraved details–just exquisite!
It's possible this platform carries the weight of blue collar workers who took heavy loads onto a boxcar. The sounds of mostly men were chatting about work, family or possibly their weekend plans while filling up a car with goods. The no smoking sign is unusual for older building because not too long ago in NC smoking was allowed in public places. A safety sign for sure.
From the looks of this lightening, I guess it was added at some point. If you look carefully, there is exposed wiring and wiring tubing. This probably means that the building was built either before or around the time of electricity. Many structures in the United States began with exposed wiring for power. It was pretty fashionable to show off their new found invention.
There is so much we can learn from this abandoned train depot. And at one point in American history, the railroad was the primary mode of transportation for goods and passengers. In Shelby, NC you would find corn, wheat, and lumber loaded onto cars and distributed around the country. Just think this once famous building was the door to progress for this great nation we live.
What interesting stories do you have to share about an old abandoned train depot in America?
Tuesday 3rd of January 2017
I love old buildings!! I always try to take different routes through South Georgia and marvel at all the old buildings! I guess it runs in the family! ;)
Sherry Smothermon-Short
Saturday 31st of December 2016
I'm very intrigued by abandoned buildings! There's even a Facebook page for abandoned spaces. The overgrown amusement parks are the most intriguing to me.
I've never been brave enough to go explore on my own. Maybe that should be on my bucket list!
Saturday 31st of December 2016
I know what you mean about exploring on your own. I always take someone with me for two reasons. One because you never know who you will find there and two there are dangers like falling through floors etc. I took a risk of climbing onto the platform to take close ups of the door knob. It was scary!!