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Decorating a Mantel for Spring that is Easy and Inspiring

With warmer days here and spring flowers blooming it is time to think about decorating your mantel for spring. Here are spring mantel decorating ideas that are easy to recreate and have vintage written all over them.

Decorating your mantel for spring

My daughter and I got inspired one day and decided to go shopping inside our home and redecorate our living room mantel for spring. Decorating a mantel for spring is very easy and you don't have to leave home to get a spring look.

Plus, it's the perfect way to welcome the warmer weather and a mantel is a natural focal point in your living space. Here are simple steps to make your fireplace look amazing this time of year.

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Decorating a Mantel for Spring

When you think of spring what do you think of? I think of Easter, beautiful fresh flowers, baby chicks, bunnies, and lambs or anything that is just born, sunshine, gardening, and warmer days. All these spring mantel decor ideas you can incorporate on top of your fireplace mantel or hearth when decorating.

Now here is a list of items we used to create our vintage-style spring fireplace mantel. Look for similar things in your home to recreate this mantel. A beautiful spring mantel is the perfect way to welcome spring into your living space.

What Should I Put On My Mantel for Spring?

Great, now that you have a list let's walk through how to decorate your mantel for spring.

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If you have anything on your fireplace mantel now go ahead and remove everything. It will make decorating so much easier to start with a perfect blank canvas.

Now begin by placing one large item on the mantel first. We found this old window in my garage and thought this is perfect so we placed it on one side. This could also be a great place for a vintage mirror.

Vintage window on mantel

Next, we grabbed this bunny oil painting that was hanging in my dining room which is now been taking over by my hubby as a study, and layered the bunny art over the old window. This bunny painting has a twin we will incorporate in the room in another spot later.

Vintage bunny rabbit oil painting with ornate frame

Okay now that you have two large spring-inspired pieces on your mantel, let's decorate with some smaller items starting with the other side of the mantel.

Think about height for the other side to balance the design. We thought a plant would look nice and we loved this herb plant but it wasn't high enough. If you ever have that problem simply gather some books and stack them under the plant and like magic now have height.

Whether you prefer fresh greenery or faux greenery, natural elements are ideal for a beautiful spring mantel.

Stack of books on mantel with an faux herb plant sitting on it

Now fill in between the taller pieces with smaller spring-inspired decorations. I recently bought this unique rabbit statue while traveling and since it is Easter time I thought it would be cute to set him on the mantel kind of like an Easter bunny statue but with a vintage twist.

Maybe you have bunny figurines you can use or can place anything here that has spring Easter inspiration.

Vintage rabbit sculpture with basket on his back and standing with a scarf around his neck

Next set an old crock, vase, candle holders or anything to fill in between if needed. Maybe you have a spring inspired metal art piece. This all depends on how wide your mantel is and if you have enough space.

Old vintage crock on a mantel for spring decorations

You're Almost There!

Now you have open space above all these smaller accessories up top and a fun decoration here is a hanging basket or you can use a three-dimensional piece like a sculpture, plate, or wood carving. We used this smaller basket from my woodworking area.

Old vintage hanging basket over a fireplace mantel

Can you keep a secret? Inside the basket are my safety goggles for when I do sawing and other tasks in my woodworking shop. LOL!

We had to dust this basket off of all its sawdust. What a great way to turn a practical item into seasonal decor.

Finishing Touches

Last, and this is one of my favorite parts, is to add a hanging basket on one end of your mantel shelf and fill it with spring flowers like these beautiful white flowers or cherry blossoms, whatever works with your color scheme.

You can cut flowers from your yard or use artificial ones. I have even cut flowers from the woods while going for my morning walks and used them in my spring decor.

Listen, adding something on the front is a little designer trick along with layering. These simple elements will make your mantel more unique than others.

Hanging basket on end of fireplace mantel filled with spring flowers of dogwood

All you need is a command hook or tiny nail and like magic, you can perch a hanging basket. Another idea to hang something on your mantel is a garland.

Here is an easy pom pom garland tutorial for your mantel. These are all great ways to finish off your pretty mantel.

From Mantel to Hearth

Now let's talk about your hearth. Many times people forget about the hearth but it is important to give it some springtime love too. We already had this crock on our fireplace hearth that we store wood and matches inside but we thought it was the perfect place to add this watering can to finish it off.

Garden watering can on hearth for decoration for spring

Now that your mantel is complete, think about sprinkling more decorations around your room like this lamb on our end table.

Spring table decoration of lamb

Isn't he adorable? We simply stacked a few books next to our plant and then set this farmhouse vintage lamb in front.

Next, we found the perfect spot for the sister bunny piece of art next to the fireplace by our mora clock. This is a great way to tie in decor from your wall next to your mantel to the decor over your mantel.

Shopping your home is an easy way to reflect your personal style and repurpose your home decor.

Bunny rabbit oil painting next a fireplace mantel decorated for spring

And now we are all finished and it is your turn. You can do this!!

Final Thoughts

See how this mantel transformed into spring using items from our home? Look at the shapes on this mantel when shopping your home for decorating and think about items that reflect spring, like bunnies, easter eggs, and gardening tools.

Spring decorating ideas for your fireplace mantel

You can also decorate your mantel with themes like a spring gardening mantel using gardening tools, fresh flowers, and more. Or you can decorate in a vintage style as we did or do a spring farmhouse mantel as we decorated years ago.

My style for the farmhouse spring mantel was a pastel cheerful minimalist farmhouse. LOL! That is a lot of words. But this year I went vintage because we love antiquing and wanted a vintage vibe.

Shopping your own home is a simple way to create a simple spring mantel and can be so much fun.

Now it is your turn. You can do this — I know you can! What spring colors do you favor? Comment below what style you're thinking of doing for a spring mantel and feel free to ask me any questions.

Good luck! I cannot wait to hear your spring mantel ideas and see your photos.

If you need more inspiration, try these spring decor ideas or these farmhouse spring decoration ideas or these adorable Charmingly Cute: Decorating with Rabbits ideas.

Happy Decorating!