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How to paint walls white is an easy task if you know some important steps.  Follow along for tips on how to paint walls with a roller with one or two coats to get that crisp white look.

How to paint walls white

One would think that how to paint your walls white would be a simple one coat task but here are a few things you need to know before painting over a bright, dark or any color.

How to Paint Walls White

Like with all projects I recommend gathering a few supplies.  But before we talk about what supplies you will need let's talk about what paint you will need.


There are two ways you can go about painting over any color with white.  One is to prime the walls with a suitable bonding primer.

How to paint walls white with primer and paint

Kilz2 is a great resource, but you can also get a primer and paint combo.

How to paint walls white with primer paint combo

Sherwin Williams has a good paint and primer combo called Duration Home.  It can be applied straight to raw drywall so you can see why it would be a good cover for a bright or dark color.

I think this is the easiest method. 😉

Existing Color

To give you an idea of what I am painting over check out this bright green.  This photo is the only time you will see the green because I forgot to take before pictures.  Haha!

How to paint walls white over a bright green color


Now that you have decided on which paint to use it is time to pull all your supplies together and let's get started.

Let's Get Started

To begin this project remove all the outlet and switch covers.  Place each one and its screws into ziplock bags.

Once you have all the covers removed place them, and your smaller tools like screwdrivers, into a basket for safe keeping.

Disregard this paint in the photo.  Don't do like me and paint the wall without priming it first or using a paint and primer combo.

How to paint walls white by storing supplies in a basket first

Now lay your drop cloth on the floor and tape along the ceiling, base and around casing if you need too.

I didn't use tape on this project because my trim is white and my ceiling is white, so I figured it wasn't necessary.

Cut in Corners and Around Trim

The next step is pretty easy and quick.  Grab your paint and start putting color into the corners and around the trim.

Make sure you brush out enough so when you roll on the paint, you won't bump into another wall or the trim.

Here is an example from when I painted our dining room.

How to paint walls white by cutting in with primer first

Roll the Walls

It is time to start rolling the walls.

Put some paint in your tray that has a liner inside, and on your roller and start rolling the paint on the walls.

How to paint walls white with a roller

I like to roll paint in a v shape motion.  It's a trick I learned years ago on how to paint walls with a roller.

How to paint walls white with roller


Now it is time to repeat the cutting-in-step and the rolling step if needed.

How to paint walls white

Make sure to use that brush to get in those hard to reach places like this corner that has a piece of trim almost right up to it.

How to paint walls white

Touch Up

Whenever you finish painting your walls white go back over the space carefully and see if there is anywhere that needs some extra paint, caulk or spackle.

How to paint walls white by checking for cracks

I noticed a crack along the baseboard here.  You might find breaks to be more noticeable now that you have white paint on your walls.

Just use some paintable caulk and fill it in or you can try some extra paint which might be enough to fill the gap.

And boy does that trim need painting again.  It is next on my list. 😉


Let's reiterate how to paint walls white.

  • Use a primer first like Kilz2 and then paint or use a paint and primer combo like Sherwin Williams Duration Home
  • Cut in along the ceiling, corners and trim with a paint brush
  • Roll on the first coat of primer or primer/paint combo.
  • Cut in along the ceiling, corners and trim again if needed
  • Roll on the second coat of paint or if required primer/paint combo.
  • Apply caulk or spackle to any cracks that are noticeable now that everything is white or fill in with paint if it is a hair link crack.
  • Paint trim if needed

And now you are all finished.

How to paint walls white finished laundry room

A white room is so refreshing, especially in a laundry room.

One thing to consider when painting with white is it shows dirt easily.  But I love that you can see the soil and you know your walls are clean.

I hope you have found this post helpful.  For more painting tips try my paint like a pro post.  There is a fun video to watch where my kitty was supervising.  LOL!

Oh and if need help with colors. Try my best Sherwin Williams paint colors post.  It is a great place to start.

Happy Decorating!


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