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What is Rae Dunn? Have you been asking yourself that question because you've heard all of the buzz? We have the answer to not only what Rae Dunn is, but better yet, how to decorate with Rae Dunn.

What Is Rae Dunn

Rae Dunn is not only a what but a who. She lives in California and is the creative brains behind a line of housewares. 

What Is Rae Dunn

The line is known for its large bold black font, and once you know it, it's easily recognized.

What Is Rae Dunn

Alyssa Ashley Photography

What Is Rae Dunn by Alyssa Ashley Photography with a tiered tray

When we first started seeing Rae Dunn items, we saw Rae Dunn coffee mugs. They were all over tiered trays just like this one by Alyssa Ashley's. 

You can easily decorate a tiered tray with Rae Dunn items, and we showed you several ways in our round up post, Irresistible Rae Dunn Trays For A Happy Heart.

Rae's pieces have cute sayings on them!


Dots Not Dunn

What Is Rae Dunn by Dots Not Dunn with a Tiered Tray

Dot's Rae Dunn collection showcased on this tiered tray features some of our favorites.  Rae Dunn Salt and Pepper, Cheese Tray, Rolling Pin and so many more. 

With the items being mostly black and white, they merely accent with any pop of color you'd like to add into your collection. 

Oops I Dunn It Again

What Is Rae Dunn by Oops I Dunn It Again with a tray

This tray sends a sweet message of Home Sweet Home in three Rae Dunn pieces. It also looks like it's set up for the perfect afternoon spring tea.

Adding height to a vase with a pillar candle holder is a brilliant way to allow you to read sweet messages on Rae Dunn pottery

Not Quite Dunn

What Is Rae Dunn by Not Quite Dunn with a tray

Lemons are trending items to add to your decor this year.

The bright yellow makes for a great display to add to Rae Dunn items. Don't you agree this is stunning?

Rae Dunn Fan

What Is Rae Dunn by Rae Dunn Fan with a Easter themed hutch

Still asking yourself, what is Rae Dunn and how do I decorate with it? Think of it as farmhouse china.

Rae Dunn has pieces for different holidays and seasons. You can pull out your Easter decor and change out your hutch to become a spring filled message to all guests that set foot in your home.  

You'll notice pieces of Rae Dunn that are different colors and some with adorable bunnies on them.

Sweet Embellished Life

What Is Rae Dunn by Sweet Embellished Life with a hutch

Coveted Rae Dunn birdhouses can be cherry on top of your hutch.

Decorating with Rae Dunn can be incorporated into your neutral farmhouse. Chalk paint and Rae Dunn are classic in this style of home. 

Little Lakeshore Home

What Is Rae Dunn by Little Lakeshore Home with a hutch

Wooden bead garland and lamb ear greenery are perfect pops with the Rae Dunn line. 

A hutch will allow you to not only display your collection but make it at your fingertips for using daily.

This is not grandma's china that you're not allowed to use. It's meant to be used and loved!


The Freckled Farmhouse

What Is Rae Dunn by The Freckled Farmhouse with a chicken nesting box

Do you have a green thumb, but still are asking what is Rae Dunn and how would I use it?

Chicken coops are trendy decor in a farmhouse!

You can nest some Rae Dunn pieces like a watering can and birdhouse right in your chicken nesting box.

If you love the idea of adding a piece like this to your home, check out our post 13 Ways Chicken Nest Boxes Can Make A Farmhouse Fabulous.

You'll be inspired!

Farmhouse To Frills

What Is Rae Dunn by Farmhouse to Frills with a place setting

Tableware is one of the easiest places Rae Dunn items can be used. Stacy stacked her's on round woven placemats and galvanized chargers.

The message of “Delish” allows those that will pull up a seat to know what awaits them. 


Courtney FitzPatrick

What Is Rae Dunn by Courtney FitzPatrick with bathroom shelf

Are you shocked to find out that Rae Dunn pieces can go beautifully in your bathroom too?

We love that the wording doesn't keep you guessing what the item would be used for and that they can be cleaned and reused.



We hope that after reading this post and seeing how our friends have incorporated Rae Dunn pieces in their home, you are no longer wondering what is Rae Dunn

Show us how you decorate with Rae Dunn! We'd love to see it!

Happy Decorating!

If you enjoyed these ideas, please sign up for emails, so you don’t miss out on more fun decorating tips and ideas HERE.

Tammy Gerdes

Monday 15th of March 2021

I am hoping you can tell me where to buy the wood tray with metal handles in the photo with the home sweet home vases and tea pot????

Linda McDonald

Tuesday 16th of March 2021

If you go back to the post click the name of the person to who the image belongs to. That person will be able to help you with where they purchased this item. Wish I could help more. Good luck!

Susan baughman

Wednesday 10th of February 2021

I’ve only been collecting for a year. I only buy at the stores but I am loving the hunt.

Linda McDonald

Monday 15th of February 2021

It is so fun and addicting! LOL!


Wednesday 30th of December 2020

Hi there! I was wondering if you know where you got the white tray in the picture with Rae Dunn pieces and lemons? I’m trying to recreate something similar. Thanks!


Saturday 8th of February 2020

Hi there Just wanted to know where to get rae dunn items at a good price? Thankyou

Nicole Cooney

Monday 10th of February 2020

Hi Diane, We usually purchase our Rae Dunn pieces from TJMAXX or Mashalls. We wrote a whole post with some other places that you can pick up the pieces from . Enjoy the hunt! There is so many great pieces out there!

Create Irresistable Rae Dunn Tiered Trays with these Ideas

Saturday 1st of June 2019

[…] To start or add to your Rae Dunn collection check out our Where to buy Rae Dunn post.  And if you want more information on Rae Dunn check out What is Rae Dunn. […]